
EAP2 WW- Fluency Exercise #3

Yen-Jung Chen (Chen)

EAP2 WW- Fluency Exercise #3

October 28, 2008


Language Learning


Learning a second language is not easy for most people because different languages have different rules. And that is difficult for people who have already gotten used to their own language. Language is a thing to show a countries history and is also close to daily life. In my opinion, learning a second language, the best way is to live in a local city. It is better and more useful than when people learn languages in their own country. This is because people can learn local slang or teenager words when people live in a local city. But if people want to try this way, they have to have a lot of money. So if people don’t have enough money to go abroad, they can read some second language novels or chat with people who are foreigners online. Both ways are the ways to connect to a local city.  That is because they will use some words different from textbooks. Learning a second language is not difficult or impossible; people just need to practice and practice. 


summary response#1

Yen-Jung Chen (Chen)

EAP2 WW-Summary Response #1

October 22, 2008


Ocean ghosts wait the unwary; Marine life


In Blacklock’s (2008, October 15) article, “Ocean ghosts wait for the unwary; Marine life,” she states that ghost nets have become a worldwide and serious problem. Discarded nets kill many species in the ocean, which include the Olive Ridley Turtle. Some groups of people want to solve this problem. For example, they have created a program which removes a lot of nets. But they cannot solve the problem exactly; the local people are the important people who can solve the problem. Therefore the government has to help fishers stop using the nets and establish some program which is about environmental protection. If fishers don’t use nets, the sea animals might have more protection and they can live longer.

The author’s opinion is right. People have to stop using nets. If people want to rescue this situation, the only way is to stop using nets. Nets kill many species including endangered animals. But nets are not the only way which can hurt animals. People throw the trash to the ocean which also can cause animals’ death. Factories pollutants and hot water are discharged into ocean, and then the ocean loses its balance of temperature. People should pay more attention to the ocean. Then the ocean won’t be sick.

First, there are some area people who still use nets when they are fishing. But they don’t know that nets will kill endangered animals. The government should increase fishers’ environmental knowledge. For example, government can make a program about how it is harmful for ocean animals if people use nets. Olive Ridley Turtle is getting less and less and that’s because people use nets. If people don’t stop this action, Olive Ridley Turtle will disappear one day.

Second, Olive Ridley Turtle die quickly because they are confused about trash and food. Turtle cannot separate them, so they eat trash when they are hungry. And there is so much pollution in trash, turtle will be sick and die if they eat it. The number of Olive Ridley Turtle is very small, so people have to pay more attention to them. If people don’t care about them, the turtle will die quickly. What people should do is stop throwing trash into ocean. And clean the ocean as much as possible. Then turtle will have a clean space to live.

Third, People cannot eliminate this problem, but people can reduce the damage. For example, factories discharge hot and polluted water into the ocean after they use it. Then water flows into the ocean, and pollution also flows into the ocean. Pollution makes some base animals die, and turtles don’t have food to eat. Then turtles die. Also the hot water makes turtle die. The hot water will raise the ocean’s temperature, but the turtle cannot adapt to the temperature. Then turtle becomes weaker and weaker and they die. People won’t stop doing this action because factories support economics. People need factory work. But people can do some remedy. For instance, people can filter pollution and cool the water. When the water flows into the ocean, it will be less harmful to the ocean.

In conclusion, people should stop doing something that will hurt ocean animals. People don’t notice ocean animals because they live in the ocean, which is a world that people don’t know. And people think the ocean is very big, so people throw anything in the ocean. People don’t have enough knowledge about the ocean environment. People should raise their awareness and affect others. Then the ocean environment will be noticed and focused on. The ocean animals will have more protection.









Blacklock, E. (2008, October 15). Ocean ghosts wait for the unwary; Marine life. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved October 23, 2008, from LexisNexis Academi.



I never have boyfriend. I think is that the gooooooooood boy is extinct.....T^T
I think have a bf is good. When you sad or happy, you can share emotion to him. And you can 
have the same memories. But my mom say, "you cannot have bf until you get in university." So...
I am a good daughter =) And my friends have bad experience about their relationship...
They tell me how their bf do something they don't like and then they fight..... gosh...!!
It is so terrible. Why women have to have bf ? I think women can be independent. No men is 
fine!!!!!  No one will control your emotion. You don't have to worry about if he doesn't love you.

I am a girl. And girls always have beautiful image. I think my bf don't have to be handsome but 
cannot be ugly. And he must can cook. I like the man who can cook very well. =) I think that because my father is a good cooker. And he has good at sport. The same reason upper. My father can play tennis very well.XD  I think I have some Electra complex...maybe..haha  


break time

After CESL finish, I always happppppppppppppppy!!! because i can relax finally~ho...

During the CESL term, I alwats busy. So I usually sleep at least one day after CESL end.

But sleep all day is very boring, so I will go shopping!!haha

Walmart, U-mall are the place I usually go. But I don't have much money.....so sometime I just window shopping XD. I sometime will take a walk around my house, looking the tree or people.

It 's very funny when you stop and look. And I also will hand out with my friend.
This picture is we went to my friend's house. It's a potluck party. After eating, we are playing mahjung. Mahjung, a chinese game, is very similar to poker. The green things on the table is Mahjung. It's not difficult to learn but when you begin to play, you will be confused. Because the rules are very complex. After playing tree or four times, you will get better.XDD
Mahjung become my favorite game when my free time. But don't play too much, that is what my mom tall meXD.


EAP2 WW- Fluency Exercise #2

Yen-Jung Chen (Chen)

EAP2- Fluency Exercise #2

October 22, 2008




Technology spreads fast and is more convenient now. People can use different ways to communicate with others. For example, in the past, phone was not very common, so people only could write letters. And it has to take a long time. But right now people can use phone easily. And the Internet is also useful technology. In my opinion, phone is the best way to chat with my friends or family. Phone doesn’t have a space limit. People can talk everywhere and every time with phone. And it doesn’t cost too much. But if people are in a foreign country, the Internet is the best way to communicate. That is because the phone fee is too expensive. So I choose the different way to communicate depending on different situation. 


Summary Response practice #1

Yen-Jung Chen (Chen)

Writing- summary response

October 20, 2008


Animals ‘Hit by Global Warming’


In Hirsch’s (2008) article, “Animals ‘hit by global warming,’” he states that the environmental problem is getting serious. Many species are threatened with no habitat or food because icebergs dissolve or deserts extend. According to the scientists’ research, some species can adapt to this kind of condition. For example, migratory birds fly to a warming place. But still some group of animals cannot adapt to this climate change, such as polar bears. Because the ocean rises, polar bears’ habitat was covered. Therefore at the end of the meeting, chiefs want to find a way to solve this problem to help animals live. Because of that, if people don’t do anything, animals have no chance to live.

The author’s statement is right. People should do something for species because people have destroyed the environment deeply. Therefore animals don’t have a place to live or food to eat. Human has responsibility to solve environment problem. It is not too late to rescue this situation. Although environment problems have to take a long time to solve, if everyone can do some small things, the environment will be better than now. There are three ways that people can do to help the environment, planting trees, turning off the electronic equipment, and reducing air pollution.

First, planting trees is a way to spread to the future, because a tree’s life is longer than humans. People have to think about after and prepare for the future. Planting trees is the best way to reduce air pollution because trees can make oxygen. People cut trees more and more, but they didn’t think about the environment. Thus, carbon becomes more and more, because people cut trees down. Then carbon hurts ozone. Earth becomes warmer than before. Then icebergs dissolve. The land is covered by the water. Some habitat was disappeared. Planting trees’ effect is not showing quickly, but people still should plant trees. Rome was not built in a day. Environment problem also cannot be solved in recent years. But if people can do this right now, one day the environment will show what people do before.

Second, we should turn off electronic equipment after we use it. For example, people can turn off the light before leaving. If everyone does this, people can reduce a lot of power use. In many countries, most electronics are made by nuclear energy. But nuclear energy will produce nuclear waste. Nuclear waste is very harmful to the environment.  However, people cannot stop using electronic equipment because people’s life depends on electronics. But people can decrease unnecessary power usage. Then, the environment problem might be controlled. And the species can be protected also.

Third, if everyone can try to reduce technology use, I believe that the air pollution will be reduced. Now technology has made people’s lives more convenient and has supported the economy. For instance, people use cars and motorcycles, rather than using bicycles or walking. We have factories instead of handiwork. But when people benefit from what technology gives, they don’t think more about what bad influence it has on the environment. In recent years, people have started noticing that the environment has been hurt by technology. The most important problem is air pollution. Air pollution that people made is more than people think. That’s why the ozone broke. Because ozone broke, people have begun to face this serious air pollution problem that people created. And people have started to think of the way to reduce the pollution and reduce technology people use. For example, people can take a walk or use public transportation instead of private cars..

In conclusion, the environment’s problem is not a personal problem, but is a worldwide problem. It can influence humans and animals. There are so many factors that cause the environment problem. But the most important thing is people’s mind. That is because if people want the environment to get better, they will try hard to solve these problems with many ways and much money. People just have only one earth. If people don’t protect it, then there is no place to live. Thinking about the environment before people do something will hurt the environment. We should protect the environment from usual life.








Hirsch, T. (2008, October 15). Animals ‘hit by global warming.’ BBC.com. Retrieved October 20, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4313726.stm


EAP2 WW- Fluency Exercise #1

Yen-Jung Chen (Chen)

EAP2 WW- Fluency Exercise #1

October 16, 2008




Travel is an important part in people’s life now. People want to go traveling for relaxation. But there are so many ways people can choose such as by plane, car or train. Which way will be the most comfortable for people is very considerable. For me, I will choose car. First, people can stop the place what they want. For example, the train only can stop by train station and plane also just can stop by airport. But the car can stop next to the road or where people want. Second, people don’t have time limited. For example, people have to follow the schedule the train stations or airports express. But if people drive by themselves, they don’t have this problem. People can decide the time they want. Also people don’t have to worry if they cannot catch the train or plane. As the result, I choose car more than other ways because it is comfortable and convenient. 



In Taiwan, every school students wear uniform until university. Different school has different uniform. This is my school's uniform for exercise. There are my friends. Some students will choice uniform first then school. They study these school because there uniforms are beautiful.

Hight school in Taiwan is students nightmare because students have to study all day even in weekend. They want to get in a good university so they have to study hard than others. And parents will compare their friends whose daught or son get in a good university or bad. Also, parents will choice the major what they like for their children such as lawyer or doctor.

The special day in school is sports day. We will wear our major's uniform.

In my school different major have different uniform. the uniform design by students not school.

In sports day, we don't have class. we just go to school and cheer for our team.
This is the 400m race for boys .